Tag «software»


Time tracking software integration with Asana

Twenty –first century allows individuals to work together, but the well-known expression “together” has changed the meaning. Nowadays individuals are able to work as one group without seeing each other every day. They are able to work separately and create their own tasks which become a part of something big, something that they were not able to make by their own.

Retail Activity Optimization – a response to the demand of various managers, who would like to optimize the processes in the sales department

Developing a company nowadays is the most crucial factor leading to assuring it a quite high position on the market. It is proved by the fact that contemporarily the competition on most of the markets is pretty demanding, which imposes on the enterprises a necessity of wider improvements in order to either make the prices be cheaper or the goods available in more attractive quality. Another way to increase the competitiveness of our brand is to care about buyer service.